There are millions of article out there in the online world about Believe in Yourself with strategically intriguing headlines. For example, Believe in Yourself and Boost Your Confidence, How to Believe in Yourself & Change Your Life. Or How to Believe in Yourself in the Face of Self-Doubt. Perhaps, you’ve read all of them or none. Perhaps, you’ve applied all the teachings but still finding it hard to believe in yourself. Because something is missing in all of those articles.
We’re not saying that all of those articles are wrong, else they all are good. But this article will add some value to all those articles and help you to apply all the teachings better. We-Nathawat Brothers-saying this because we were, too, in the same place, like you. Finding it hard to believe in ourselves when our father died on the day of our sister’s marriage.
We faced challenges, took responsibility and as moving forward in life, we learnt something that is helping us to believe in ourselves. We found out, that to be better at believe in Ourselves, we need to replace OURSELF with the BASE of our Believing. And in your case, it’s YOURSELF.
People often misguide themselves and see self-confidence as reward getting tool. It’s like if you want to get a dream job, or if you want a luxurious car. Or perhaps, want to get success in life, then believe in yourself, and your all dreams will come true. But understanding “believe in yourself” like this, is nothing more than a mirage. Because it was never or will be about reaching a specific goal.
We’re sure that you’ve read books that talk about self-confidence and will-power. And articles that share tips and bullets to increase confidence and belief in life. But are those well-researched articles and books ever tell us where to use that confidence and knowledge. All they talk about what inside the box, not how to open it.
Okay, if those articles and books are missing something about “Believe In Yourself”, then what’s real truth about it.
So, the real truth about “Believe in Yourself” is that, that it is always about the “in-between,” between us and the goal.
It’s not about completing the task or having faith that you can perform that task. Else, it is about the steps you’ve to take to complete that task. It is about having faith that you can go through the process. Or you can face the struggle to achieve a particular goal.
Believe in yourself is always about the “knowing” that you’ll get up when you fall while walking the long journey. Not about reaching the peak of the mountain. Else, knowing that you’ll climb the Mt. No matter what. If you’ve to face the storm or heavy wind, you’ll face it.
“Seeing the struggle before even actually facing it. And making your mind that you’ll go through it and succeed. That’s what true Believe in Yourself is.”
If you want to be an actor, then you’ll know that you’ve to face much rejection to get a role. And you’ll make your mind, that no matter how many rejections you’ll get, you won’t stop trying until you succeed.
If you want to get a high-rank Government official job, then you’ll know that you’ve to study piles of books to become that person. And right that moment, you build faith and promise to yourself, that you’ll read every book until you don’t get what you want.
And this applies to every area of life. Whether you want to become a writer or scientist. An entrepreneur or MNC employee. You’ll see the struggle before facing it. And tells yourself that you can do it.
In short, Facing the struggle and going through it = Real Believe in Yourself.
Like us, that we’re facing the struggle of getting up early in the morning each day. To provide regular articles for our readers. And then leaving home for a 9 to 5 job. Yes, we’re employed because right now our finances are not doing so good. However, this tiny article took so long because one of us was sick. And then, we lose our Grandfather. So, last month was not such great for Nathawat Brothers. But we are hoping coming months to be better.
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Nathawat Brothers
Putting thoughts for everyone.