Be sure to understand why you procrastinate. What are those things that usually force you to postpone work? Knowing your problems will help you avoid procrastination.
By thinking too much at work, you can create problems for yourself, which can affect your work efficiency. You have to understand that just thinking will not work.
This will prevent you from getting lazy in your work and the tasks will seem less difficult and more manageable.
Make sure to prepare a list of your daily tasks. This will keep you alert and motivated towards your work. There will be stability in work.
Avoid overloading yourself or you'll delay his progress. Consider work seriousness before setting a time limit.
This will keep you energetic and motivated towards your work and will help you maintain consistency towards your work.
Turn off your phone at work, close unnecessary tabs on your computer other than your work. Give priority to your work.
Breaks are crucial when working on long or complex tasks. Stand up and take a walk, or clear your head.
Divide your work into 4 parts, each part lasting 25 minutes and then take only a 5 minute break after each part is over. This will establish stability and continuity in your work.